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The teacher have a little fun with them, made them laugh while learning!

The teacher have a little fun with them, made them laugh while learning!


The teacher have a little fun with them, made them laugh while learning!

As Salam alayki wa rahmatouLahi wa baraakatuh. I would like to give feedback on your school online. Allahoumma barik your teachers are great my daughters love them very much, they very quickly evolve maa shaa Allah and in addition the teacher have a little fun with them, made them laugh while learning! A big thank you to all your team and to you. May Allah grant you his Baraka and reward you for good.

Nassiba & Zayneb's mum

EFL & Phonics

British Online Schooling Academy

Nassiba & Zayneb's mum

EFL & Phonics

As Salam alayki wa rahmatouLahi wa baraakatuh. I would like to give feedback on your school online. Allahoumma barik your teachers are great my daughters love them very much, they very quickly evolve maa shaa Allah and in addition the teacher have a little fun with them, made them laugh while learning! A big thank you to all your team and to you. May Allah grant you his Baraka and reward you for good.

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