British Online Schooling Academy (BOS Academy) is a UK based private online academy that intervenes in the field of home education to support parents who opted to educate their children from home. We provide classes for children from Reception to Year 11.
Specialised in online teaching since May 2019, before Covid-19. We offer the Cambridge International Curriculum delivered by our qualified and experienced teachers. We teach hundreds of children from all corners of the world every day.
As a Muslim faith school, we welcome children from all faith and our aim is to provide a safe environment for parents around the world who are homeschooling, not eager to send their children to public or private schools, or to those who struggle to continue to home educate their children on their own for many other reasons.
Instead of sending your child every morning to school, BOS Academy comes to you every day. All you need to do is connect your child to their virtual classroom by using a computer, laptop or tablet. All our classes are taught online in total interaction. We use a virtual learning environment system specially made for online learning which is user friendly. In our virtual classrooms, we have a whiteboard, a chat, and cameras and children and teachers can see each other like in a physical school.